Thirty Days of No Takeout. #30DaysNoTakeOut

Last week I stumbled upon this article in Health Magazine where they did a collaboration with Giada De Laurentiis . The goal was to do 30 days of no takeout. They’ve laid out an entire plan for a month, including a grocery list and a theme for each week. 30 Days of No Takeout would kill my social life, but I decided to take it on for a week. The plan gives you “homework” to do on the weekend, in the case of the Protein week that I picked, I had to roast a chicken. They also have you chop all the vegetables that you had purchased. It was easy, just time consuming since the chicken had to be in the oven for 2 hours, but it came out perfectly. I couldn’t believe how many dishes the chicken was in and how easy it was to make all these dishes each night complete with leftovers for lunch the next day.

I think my favorite dish was the Chicken Soup – it was incredibly easy and so flavorful. I didn’t have the cooked rice (they didn’t tell you to pre-cook it and it takes an hour!) so I added some veggie penne instead. Came out delicious and couldn’t wait to have it for lunch the next day.

This is definitely something that anybody can do – even if you don’t love cooking. Everything takes 20 minutes or less and tastes delicious and healthy. You won’t regret it! 🙂

From Top To Bottom:

  • Giada’s Cobb Salad
  •  Chicken Tacos
  • Roast Chicken Soup


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