Etsy Map Chalkboard

I could spend hours upon hours perusing etsy and purchasing all kinds of things I want but don’t need. I’ve been eyeing this chalkboard from dirstastudio for YEARS and finally took the plunge when I saw it comes in green. Just like elementary school. My obsession with maps and globes is a bit excessive, but how else am I going to keep track of past, current and future travels?


Wall Hangings and Art

While I have been purging my apartment (anyone need dining chairs or a tv?!) I’ve been looking at a lot of macrame wall hangings and absolutely adore them. I always think “I can do that!” But am I really?

But on another note I stumbled upon this gorgeous piece at a garage sale for $20. The lady bought it in Ecuador.

Couldn’t be happier with how it turned out.


I also just purchased a gorgeous photo of Iceland from 20×200 . How stunning is it?! My walls are finally coming together!


>i heart etsy!

>really, i do! i have recently become semi-obsessed with etsy. before i buy ANYTHING, i always think “can i buy this on etsy?” i’ve bought quite a few prints and things for my home on there and one of my favorite artists, emmakristina does some fantastic stuff. i actually own both the chanel print (but with silver hardware) and the audrey hepburn accessory one. i hope to own the “classics” book print one day. another favorite is the chalkboard world map. how brilliant is this thing!? i can’t WAIT to get one…i’ll mark everywhere in the world i’d like to go. which is well, everywhere.
